HomeAnnual Professional Development Seminar2008, Bucharest, Romania: Assessment: From Programmes to Profiles: Exchanging Best Practices 2008, Bucharest, Romania: Assessment: From Programmes to Profiles: Exchanging Best Practices BILC Secretariat BILC Chairman’s Presentation BILC Seminar 10.08 BILC Testing Programmes Update BILC Language Leadership Seminar BILC Wrap-Up Bucharest SHAPE Shape Update Austria Language Programmes for the Mission Area Belgium Errors Canada Dubeau Testing Research Bucharest Estonia It Takes Two To Tango Finland Dream Teams France The French Way Georgia Georgian Update Italy BILC Conference Italy Latvia Defining Needs and Evaluating Programmes Romania A New Challenge in LP Ro Testing Center ROSE Presentation Slovenia Evaluating an ESP Course Sweden Assessing Needs UK DSL’s French Accreditation Jean Meakin Sharing Best Practices USA Assessing ELP