Workshop Program
Day 1: 04-SEP-2018
- BILC update, Emilia Nesheva
- Introduction to the Workshop: Successful Trialling, Branka Petek
- Keynote Speech: Developing valid STANAG 6001 proficiency tests: reading and listening, Ray Clifford
Day 2: 05-SEP-2018
- Bilateral cooperation on trialling – Latvian & Estonian experience, Inga Fārte-Zālīte, Merit Kompus
- Challenges of selecting the pre-test population and analyzing results for bi-level tests, Major Drazen Malesevic
- Using Verbal Reports for Data Collection and Analysis, Maja Gjurovikj
- Analyzing test data using Excel, Gerard Seinhorst
- Statistical analysis of pretesting results using MS Excel, LTC Cosmin-Nicolae Sala
- National Testing Team Panel Discussions
Day 3: 06-SEP-2018
- TriaLling BAT2 Writing Prompts, David Oglesby, Roxane Harrison, Edelmira Nickels
- Basic statistics for non-mathematicians, Ray Clifford
- To IRT or not, Troy Cox
- To IRT or not to IRT: how to decide, Ülle Türk
- Quantitative Analysis: Using statistics to evaluate your test, Gerard Seinhorst
- Questionnaire design (qualitative approach to test validation), Mary Jo Di Biase & Jana Vasilj-Begovic