Presentations, 15-18 October, 2018
Day 1
- Developing Syllabi IAW STANAG 6001 Requirements, Irena Prpić Đurić, HRV
- Enhancing Motivation in Teaching in the Military Context: An Approach from the Perspective of School Leadership, Francesco Conidi, GER
- Curriculum, Syllabus: A Wall Standing between Teachers and Learners, Jérôme Collin, FRA
- Training Teachers to Assess the Productive Skills, Peggy Garza and Roxane Harrison, USA/PLTCE
- The May-be-not-so-obvious Ways of Increasing Efficacy and Motivation in Language Training, Laura Murto, FIN
- Role-play as a Motivating Factor, Jérôme-Frédéric Josserand and Ablahad Lahdo, SWE
Day 2
- Teaching, Learning and Testing: Finding Congruence, Ray Clifford, USA
- Developing Partnership between Teaching and Testing Listening, Mȧria Vargovȧ, SVK
- How Does Authenticity Influence Test-Taker Motivation? Benjamin Charles Pim, ITA
- Understanding the Value Added by Foreign Language Skills, David Gibb, GBR
- Testers to Foster Learning-oriented Test Preparation, Martina Alerić, HRV
Day 3
- Examples of Course Design to Stimulate Motivation as well as Autonomous Learning Rougly at STANAG 2/3, Harry Kirkels and Karishma-Shvetambara Chafekar, NLD
- Purposeful Environment as a Motivational Factor, Caroline Carréras, FRA
- Field/outdoor Activities Enhance Motivation and Efficacy, Mirjana Roguljić, HRV
- Certain Aspects of Developing Optimum Language Leraning/Teaching Environment for Training Military Personnel at the Polish Naval Academy, Daria Łeska-Osiak, POL
- A Corpus-Based Approach to Adapting Authentic Military Material, Ms. Andrea Gjorevski, USA
- Language Teachers as Course Designers, Tatjana Klobučar, HRV
- Authenticity of Material in a Language Classroom and Its Effect on Motivation, Jürgen Kotzian, AUT
- Enhancing Motivation in a Heterogeneous and Multicultural Language Learning Environment within the Spanish Armed Forces, Laura Hernández Almeida, ESP
- Implementation of the standardization criteria for learning, teaching and certification of English in the Colombian Public Force, Liliana Inés CORTÉS FERNÁNDEZ and Noel Mauricio BASTILLA OLARTE, COL
Day 4
- Danish Army Officer-Training English Classes, Kåre Kildevang, DNK
- Improve Your Self-efficacy in Learning Performance, Marilyne Pommereau, FRA
- Strengthening Responsibility for One’s Own Learning, Irina Kveselava, GEO
- Fostering the Learner-Centered Perspective and Autonomous Learning, Marta Gabriel, PRT
- A Beautiful Mind and the Necessary Death of the One-size-fits-all Approach, Emilie Alice CLERET, FRA
- Principles to strategic motivation, Col. Ibrahim MODLI, Egypt