Day 1
- BILC update, E.Nesheva, P.Petkov
- Making Teaching English More Productive, T. Kaputadze, M. Danelia
- Standardized Interpretation Techniques Training, D. Oglesby
- The standardization of Learning: The Italian Approach, B. Pim
- video
- Standardization in the Portuguese Armed Forces, LtCmdr M. Gabriel
- Teaching Military Maritime English in Maritime Simulators, Associate professor A. Løhre
- video
- Experimental attempts to implement digital technologies in language training at the Polish Naval Academy, D. Łęska-Osiak, PhD.
Day 2
- Test Standardization: From Design to Concurrent Validation, Dr. R. Clifford
- BILC Standardization Efforts and BAT, Round 2, P. Garza, R. Harrison
- The Challenges of Designing an Effective Multi-Level Assessment from SLP 1-4, Maj D.Gibb
- The Vicissitudes of Language Testing, Mzia Skhulukhia
- Lowering the standards – a blessing and/or a curse?, COL Dr. J. Ernst
- Language Proficiency Assessment, D. Kesten
- Instructor Performance Evaluation, S. Butcher
- Instructor Evaluation Process Improvement, Angel Bishop-Petty
Day 3
- Motivating Students to Reach Higher Levels: OCONUS Immersion for Low-Performing Students, Mina Lee, Ph.D.
- Developing Listening and Speaking Skills, L Khubuluri, Ph.D. Candidate, Z. Chkhikvadze, Ph.D.
- Making the leap from level 2 to level 3, Camille Hess
- STANAG 6001 Speaking Test Observations: Lessons learned, T. Shavlakadze
Day 4
- WRITING MATTERS: Challenges of teaching and assessing student writing, E. MÜLLER-LIPOLD
- Challanges of Teaching the Skill of Writing in French, Jérôme Collin
- Challanges of Teaching the Skill of Writing in English at Level 4, Emilie Claret
- All at Sea – developing professional and academic writing skills among junior officers, A. Kristiansen
- Closing remarks, E. Nesheva